Chad Omweg

Not many artists can say they started their art careers as a National athlete, but Chad Omweg’s introduction to custom fabrication began while building bobsleds on the US Skeleton Team. After moving to Baltimore, new friends in the furniture business inspired him to seek a welding certification and start building furniture of his own. Over time, he has shown his work at Crafty Bastards Arts & Craft Fair, built furniture for Soul Spice restaurant, and eventually took on work for other restaurants and interior design companies. He decided to set up shop in the Highlandtown Arts District as it is close to home, affordable, and he can benefit from the artist income tax deduction (available to any artist selling work in a designated arts district). His studio in the Crown Cork and Seal building includes a large wood and metal shop with plenty of tools and storage, a separate room for finished work, and a spray room for painting and varnishing. He likes to meet other artists in Crown Cork & Seal and has contributed to a few local projects, including decorations for the Patterson Park Observatory and a skyline silhouette for the Light City festival.

IG @guyfurnitureguy 