Highlandtown Small Business Saturday 2022

Sat. Nov 26 | 3201 Eastern Ave (High Grounds Coffee Roasters)

10am-1pm: Stop by for FREE Coffee and tote bag at High Grounds (while supplies last)

11am-12pm: Highlandtown Main Street tour

1-2pm: Highlandtown Main Street tour

Celebrate Small Business Saturday with a walking tour of Highlandtown Main Street where we’ll point out the best shopping spots AND show off our amazing public murals! The tour will start at High Grounds Coffee Roasters with a free cup of coffee, continue down Eastern Avenue, and then into the business and arts districts.Highlandtown Main Street Manager, Amanda Smit-Peters, and Highlandtown artist and resident Joann Dewwealth-O’Brien will guide you to all their favorite shops, including a sneak peek inside our newest Highlandtown business! At the end of this hour-long tour participants will compete in a high-stakes holiday raffle for a stocking filled with Highlandtown goodies and gift cards!

Tour registration is FREE but space is limited to 30, so be sure to register! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER